Iranian short animated piece ‘Malakout’ directed by Farnoosh Abedi, and ‘Greyish’ by Eghbal Shirzaei, which will enjoy its UK premiere, are two of the 20 handpicked “fantastic, eclectic animations” to represent the Iranian cinema at the 12th Crystal Palace International Film Festival (CPIFF) in London.
‘Malakout’, which recently received the honorary diploma at the Silk Road International Film Festival (SRIFF) in Dublin, Ireland, is about a piano player who tries to bring his wife back to life back but the deal awakens the devil inside him.
‘Greyish’ is a minimal story about a woolen old man as a metaphor of our life.
Established in 2009, Crystal Palace International Film Festival (CPIFF) screens only the very best of the Independent film it receives, according to the event’s organizers.
The 12th edition of the event will be held on March 4 – 27, 2021 in London, UK.
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